Civil Liberties Gone!

After the last election when the Democrats took the house and senate I exhaled a great sigh of relief that finally some oversight over the Bush administration would come to Washington and hopefully reign that crazy bastard in. All those hopes were destroyed the other day when the Senate approved the presidents Domestic spying program rather than shutting it down. What they have done in case you were not paying attention is made it perfectly legal for the Bush Administration and his lackeys to spy on you without any judicial approval.

Yes, that is correct, they made it legal. I have always told you hard core Democrats that they are the biggest bunch of spineless idiots imaginable and given the chance would screw things up worse than they already are. This is the proof in the pudding. When they should be starting impeachment hearings on the President and his yes men for the myriad of lies and scandals they are involved in they go and give him the unchecked power he needs to become a more effective tyrant. Thanks guys, way to go!

This got me to thinking. Why would they cave in and give him this power and it occurred to me that since they are still very likely to win the next presidential election it sure is convenient that they pushed this through while a majority of the Republican Minority still support the president. It sure does make it easier to get Republican votes when the legislation is giving more power to the Republican president. Then when they take the election they will have the same power and in the hands of those idiots look out.

We should all be very afraid of the dark path this country is turning down. When both major parties are in cahoots to spy on the citizens of this country where do we turn? Is there even the possibility of a 3rd party to rise up and challenge the authority of those two? Have the 2 parties even allowed room for this to happen any more? I sure hope so!

Wish me luck this Sunday at 7:00 AM as I compete in the Sports Barn Sprint Triathlon.

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